
The new Sunnyfield Meetinghouse in spring of 2023.

Welcome to our Quaker meeting for worship. Your presence is a gift. We hold regular meetings for worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. All are very welcome to attend. We welcome individuals from a wide range of religious traditions and practices, and are affirming of diverse genders, ethnicities, racial identification, sexual orientation and beliefs. As founder George Fox put it ”We walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone.” So if you’re curious, looking for a spiritual home or visiting the area come check us out.

Our worship generally lasts about an hour and begins when the first person enters quietly, sits down and turns attention to the Light that resides within each of us. This is an opportunity to settle thoughts, center, empty minds of day-to-day busyness and distractions and to open hearts to spirit. Responsibility for the spiritual depth of our meeting rests with each person present. Our Quaker meeting practices open worship, where spoken ministry may arise out of the shared silence from anyone attending in "expectant waiting."

On a typical Sunday morning, there are 10-25 people in the meetinghouse. As people lead busy lives, not everyone attends every meeting. Overall about 40 people attend in-person meetings fairly regularly. Another 60 or so are on our mailing list and receive our newsletters and business meeting minutes and may attend occasionally. 

Formats for Sunday worship vary slightly depending on where they fall in the month. Check out the monthly schedule.

To find us, see the map and address in the middle of this page.